A person writing in a pad with a pen.
Calendar 11 January 2022 Document News

Writer’s Scratch Night

The Phoenix Theatre is now open for script submissions for our first ever writers’ scratch night.

Writers are asked to submit a short play or extract of no more than ten minutes (ten pages, double spaced) for an opportunity to see their work rehearsed and performed on stage.

Readers, directors and actors, will be of professional or semi-professional standard, to give writers the best possible experience of writing for the stage.

Writers applying should live or work within a twenty-mile radius of the Phoenix Theatre.

To apply please email Rob Allerston.

The deadline for submission is 5.30pm Friday 11 February 2022.

The Scratch Night will be held at The Phoenix Theatre on Thursday 31 March, 2022 at 7.30pm.

Rob Allerston smiling.
Written by

Rob Allerston

Rob joined Phoenix Arts in 2010. Rob is passionate about giving the underdog their day, respecting the elderly and those with a disability and welcoming people with a smile. Rob is a petrolhead, so why not ask him about his range of vehicles!

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