Room Hire

As a former Edwardian school, The Phoenix Theatre building boasts several large and well-lit former classrooms, which make ideal event spaces.
Phoenix Theatre Conference Room

Conference Facilities

The Phoenix Theatre is home to a board-room-style conference room which comfortably seats 24 people. We can also accommodate up to 100 people in the main theatre space as part of our conference facilities.

On request, if required, we can arrange; tea, coffee and biscuits, locally sourced lunches from Headley Fine Foods, screen and projector, bar (dependant on operating times) and much more. Just enquire and we will see what we can do.

The Phoenix Theatre dance studio.

Dance Studio

Our fully renovated Dance Studio is fully equipped with a professional dance floor, mirrors, and bars. The perfect room for practising your moves or running a class.

We already have packed dance and fitness classes that take place in the Dance Studio, but we are always interested in hearing about new ideas on how we can utilise this space!


The new Phoenix Theatre refurbishment, featuring bright green carpet and seats in the main theatre area.

The Phoenix Theatre

The Phoenix Theatre is a unique, cosy, and recently refurbished auditorium space that can seat up to 100 people.

This multipurpose theatre space is fully equipped to allow for all its needs, such as a dance studio, performance space, cinema and multi-sensory space. The theatre has seen and continues to see a variety of high-profile acts as well as unique performances from the best of the country’s theatre companies.

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