Dominic Frisby: Modern Life is Tricky
Calendar Saturday 12 April 2025 Clock 19:30

Dominic Frisby: Modern Life is Tricky

An experienced stand up and prolific writer of comic songs, Dominic's new show is a collection of anecdotes, jokes and music accompanied by one of Europe’s top jazz pianists, Chad Lelong, on keyboards.

Dominic's songs have many millions of views online. We’re All Far Right Now alone has over 50 million, with Elon Musk one of the many to share it. 

His song about Keir Starmer, Captain Flip Flop, also had millions of views, though on TikTok it only got 27 and was flagged for “electoral interference”. 

His song about Brexit, 17 Million Eff Offs, reached the Top 40 and made Number One on the Amazon Charts. Other favourites, both live and online, include I Love Wetherspoons, I’m Going to Marry Gary and the ever changing Maybe song.

A prominent libertarian, he provides a refreshing and funny take on the current issues faced by modern day Britain. As he says himself, “If you believe in things like free speech and free trade, you’ll like this show"

"Outstanding" The Times
"Beautifully crafted, cleverly pitched comedy" The Scotsman
"Mercurially witty" The Spectator 
"Excellent" The Daily Telegraph

Ticket prices:

£15.00 + £1.00 booking fee

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Call 01420 472664 or book online.

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