Calendar Saturday 22 February 2025 Clock 19:30


It’s time for Fluff to do the ultimate puzzle… her life.

But Fluff hates puzzles; especially word searches. She can never find the words and doesn’t understand why there’s a half eaten birthday cake and a woman who keeps visiting her room. As she navigates her way through her most treasured and darkest memories, Fluff desperately needs to piece together her life; story by story, person by person. This darkly comedic play explores memories and the choices we make in life.

Winner of the Best Theatre Production at the Buxton Fringe 2024, alongside awards for Best Performance and Best New Piece at the Birmingham Fringe 2023. The non-linear plot line allows the audience to feel, first hand, the devastating affects of dementia, through joining Fluff in her journey to uncover her life’s memories.

Fluff, is proud to be supported by the Arts Council England, W3RT, Alzheimer’s Society, Trauma Breakthrough UK and Herts Musical Memories.

Ticket prices:

£16.00 + £1.00 booking fee

£14.00 + £1.00 booking fee
This rate is available for Phoenix Arts members, under 18s, full-time students, registered disabled, unemployed and senior citizens (over 65).

Want to book tickets?

Call 01420 472664 or book online.

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Exterior of The Phoenix Theatre & Arts Centre.

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