Nearly there ….. Wow, what a journey we’ve all been on over the last year. It has been an incredibly challenging time for all of us and we’re so glad that we’re almost able to see the wood for the trees.
Since our doors closed in March last year, we have continued to work behind the scenes, in order to prepare the building for reopening and continuing to keep the spirit of The Phoenix rising. Based on the dates proposed in the Government roadmap, we are planning to open on Tuesday 18 May. Of course, this may be subject to change dependant on further announcements and updates, but we are working with these dates for a safe and smooth return. Please check our website and Facebook page for up to date information.
The building has undergone a transformation during lockdown and we are so excited to show it off to you. Staff and volunteers have been beavering away: painting, decorating, shifting furniture and more to make sure it’s all ready for when we welcome you back. Some classes have continued via Zoom and projects have been completed. More details about these will be made available for you to see via Facebook and our website shortly.
Planning for shows and events has been continuous, with lots being rescheduled and new ones being programmed. We’re aiming for a fabulous new autumn/winter brochure and can’t wait to share that with you later in the summer. In April we have our very first live-streamed show. After that, our programming for ‘in person’ shows and events will be staggered and start in May along with the launch of The Phoenix Film Festival. Watch out for that! We will have our first socially distanced show on 26 May.
Classes and workshops will be introduced after Easter, although some later. Please check our website for full details throughout the coming months, as and when plans are confirmed. Covid safety measures have been put in place and therefore we can guarantee a safe return for everyone. We have missed this so much and can’t wait to see you all: buzzing around our corridors, seated in our newly refurbished theatre seats and bringing this wonderful theatre & arts centre alive again.
Thank you so much for your support, patience and understanding over the past year. Working from home, being furloughed, fundraising and the quietness have all presented many hurdles. We feel like we’re nearly there and will have made it through, with huge thanks to our wonderful community. We remain positive and hopeful that the dates above will go ahead and so we are genuinely on the countdown until we see you again.
Much love Rob, Keri and Jen.
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